Wednesday, May 22, 2013

If I Dreamt About Cars, This Would Be the Star

I generally do not live a life of frivolity. I don't typically spend money if I don't need to, and I like to live as modestly as possible. Sometimes, this frugality is called "cheapness" and causes some issues with those closest to me. I blame this personal trait on my father's knack for making me realize the cost of things before committing to spending money. It's basically hard-wired into my brain to consider the opportunity cost of an item before actually going for it.

I have always said that this particular brand of penny-pinching would probably continue even if I manage to get a well-paying job that would allow me to afford more luxury in my life. However, there is one thing that I would gladly spend my money on, if I had enough to pay for it with cash and then still have plenty left over. 

This car:

If you've seen the movie "Gone In Sixty Seconds," you will immediately recognize this car as the "unicorn," the car of mythical legend, the treasured, revered, and ultimately obtained car of choice of the movie's protagonist. It was the fastest, the sexiest, and unequivocally the coolest car in the movie, and in my opinion, of all time. 

Her name is Eleanor. She's a 1967 Ford Mustang, and someone just bought her for $1 Million dollars.

Ok, so I wouldn't spend a million bucks on a car, even if I had it available in my pocket at a moment's notice. My conscience just couldn't allow it. However, if I could afford a look-alike, something with the same punch, aesthetically and mechanically, as this original beauty, I would gladly snatch it up. Sure, it probably gets less than fifteen miles per gallon, and sure it's probably obnoxiously loud. 

But just look at it. 

I don't drool over cars, or anything really (other than my wife). But I seriously want that car.


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