Monday, June 10, 2013

Short Post #3: Retronym


To sum: A retronym is the act of giving a new name (usually just by adding an adjective) to an old term or item in order to differentiate it from a new version of the old term or item.

Example: Acoustic Guitar. Originally, all guitars were acoustic. But then came the new, louder kid on the block: the electric guitar. So, to differentiate, a new term was coined; or, rather, the adjective "acoustic" was added so that there wouldn't be any confusion.

Read also: Analog watch. Watches were around before the digital watch, but we had to give a new name to the "old" style to keep them separate.

It's interesting to think that a retronym gives an old item a newer name than the new item that physically came into being after the old item! It's confusing and wonderful.

Gotta love English (or any language for that matter).


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