Friday, September 13, 2013

Quantum Mechanics, issues with the Trinity, and the Problem of Hell

It's been a while. But I wrote something long that I don't want to lose, so I figured I'd put it here.

Wave–particle duality: a theory of quantum mechanics (not physics) that states that all particles exist as both waves and particles at the same time, and the observation causes them to “appear” as one or the other. Think of Schrodinger’s cat: considered both alive and dead inside of the box until someone comes along to open the box and observe the results of the experiment. Once the observer is present, the cat (or particle) falls out of superposition (all things at once) and takes the characteristics of only one state.

When we look at this theory in light of the “Trinity problem,” we can begin to accept that something could exist as one thing and three things at the same time, even if we don’t fully understand how it’s doing that. Just because it falls out of the realm of our human experience, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. If we truly believe that we serve a God of the impossible, then to say that it could be both (that God/Jesus/Holy Spirit are at once three completely separate beings and one unified entity) would be to put limitations on His ability.

The evangelist pastor who had the revelation about Hell was Carlton Pearson. He was at one point the pastor of Higher Dimensions Family Church (which saw a Sunday morning attendance high of 5,000 people), but was denounced as a heretic by the Joint College of African-American Pentecostal Bishops. He’s since become associated with something called “New Thought,” which is a little more extreme, including in its tenants that sickness originated in the mind, and other pseudo-spiritual doctrines.

However, the doctrine that he first became associated with after his separation from Higher Dimensions is called Christian Universalism, which says that all beings will be reconciled to God (called Universal reconciliation). It doesn’t downplay sin, but says that people will have to face some sort of penance for their sin, possibly in the form of a “period of finite punishment similar to a state of purgatory.”